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How to cancel your subscription
How to cancel your subscription
Jamie McInally avatar
Written by Jamie McInally
Updated over a week ago

To cancel your Autoenhance subscription, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your account: Visit the Autoenhance web app and log in using your credentials (username and password).

  2. Go to the Settings menu option: Once you are logged in, locate the 'Settings' option in the menu.

  3. Click the Subscription section: Within the Settings option, you find a menu item called 'Subscription'. You can also click here to go to this section directly.

  4. Cancel your subscription: In the subscription section, you find various details related to your subscription, such as the plan type, remaining credits and renewal date. When you have an active subscription, you will also see a 'Cancel my subscription' button. Click this button to cancel your subscription.

  5. Verify cancellation: Once you've completed the cancellation process, you'll see a notification that confirms if your subscription was successfully cancelled.

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